Romanian Grand Prix FCI 2013 - Finala

Comments and ideas

Am gasit porumbel cu seria fci 437442 foarte cuminte dar nu zboară nu are semne de agresiuni sau lovituri va rog contactatima 0749 494 973 arad
Am gasit un porumbel in or. Chisinau. Inel seria Ro 0001814 2014 Scriti mesaj la mail:
Am gasit un porumbel mort zona Arad jud Vinga avea un inel la picior cu seria FCI RO 0125652.Si inca un inel cu BRICON 5000 Eu nu ma pricep ,nu am porumbei ,am devenit curios cand l-am gasit saracu ,nu am idee despre ce e vorba,anuntati proprietarul. Nr de tell:0748508462
Am gasit resturi de porumbel mancat de rapitor in traseele de catarat de la Radna, jud Arad. Inel FCI RO 2014 0538106.
Am gasit porumbel in jud tulcea cu seria fci ro 0344096 din 2014,ranit la aripa dreapta. Sunati la 0740504524
Gasit porumbel in jud. Alba localitatea Drambar. Este slabit, iam dat apa si paine, este din 2014, albastru cu varful aripilor albe si putine pete albe pe cap, pare sa fie mascul, revin cu seria inelului!
Am gasit mort porumbelul cu seria 0041518 FCI ROMANIA 2013 in Felnac Jud Arad
Buna ziua! Am gasit in zona Piata Mare in Arad, un porumbel cu inel nr.FCI RO 0584941, 2014. E slabit, bolnav cred. Proprietarul ma poate contacta la 0723578114.
12-10-2014VARU RSK
am gasit un porumbel mort zona lac BRATES GALATI ,avea un inel la picior cu seria FCI RO 2014 0601600 ink un inel cu B099 Eu nu ma pricep ,nu am porumbei ,am devenit curios cand lam gasit saracu ,nu am idee despre ce e vorba,anuntati propetarul
cind si unde vinzi pasarile domn Traian,ca ai citeva bune,in special locul 28 din finala !

Useful information

Anyone who wants to take part at the gala on Saturday evening (12.09.2015) has to make a reservation ASAP!!! You can make a reservation by calling at the following number - 0040-740671941 or by sending a private message on Facebook or e-mail. On Wednesday evening, we will close the list, so HURRY UP!!!

We have finished basketing the pigeons for the 3rd main race - ERD (Hungary). Hopefully, the weather will be favorable in the morning. Because this year the weather was unfortunate, we weren't able to organize a number of 4 races as initially planned. This is why this 3rd race represents the semi final. Next Saturday, 12.09.2015, we will organize the last race - the final.
We wish all of you best of luck tomorrow!

If the weather will allow us, we will basket the pigeons this evening in order to release them tomorrow morning (04.09.2015) for the 3rd race. We keep in touch!


Comments and Ideas

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Am gasit porumbel cu seria fci 437442 foarte cuminte dar nu zboară nu are semne de agresiuni sau lovituri va rog contactatima 0749 494 973 arad
Am gasit un porumbel in or. Chisinau. Inel seria Ro 0001814 2014 Scriti mesaj la mail:
Am gasit un porumbel mort zona Arad jud Vinga avea un inel la picior cu seria FCI RO 0125652.Si inca un inel cu BRICON 5000 Eu nu ma pricep ,nu am porumbei ,am devenit curios cand l-am gasit saracu ,nu am idee despre ce e vorba,anuntati proprietarul. Nr de tell:0748508462
Am gasit resturi de porumbel mancat de rapitor in traseele de catarat de la Radna, jud Arad. Inel FCI RO 2014 0538106.

Sponsors and Partners

Aslanidis Logo S.C. Wood Works S.R.L.
