Romanian Grand Prix FCI 2013 - Finala


Date: 27-08-2011
Release Time: 07:15
Distance: 396
Pigeons: 169
Ora lansari: 07:15
Nr. Ring Fancier Country
1 HU-11-D327311 ABRAHAM Lajos
2 HU-11-D327338 ABRAHAM Lajos
3 HU-11-D327333 ABRAHAM Lajos
4 HU-11-D327334 ABRAHAM Lajos
5 HU-11-D327337 ABRAHAM Lajos
6 RO-11-2362106 ARGHIR Elvis
7 RO-11-2362094 ARGHIR Elvis
8 HU-11-D339688 BIRO Jozsef
9 RO-11-0566872 BOBAR Liviu
10 RO-11-0566864 BOBAR Liviu
11 RO-11-0566851 BOBAR Liviu
12 RO-11-0566861 BOBAR Liviu
13 RO-11-0566853 BOBAR Liviu
14 RO-11-0555997 BOBAR Liviu
15 RO-11-0566873 BOBAR Liviu
16 RO-11-0566856 BOBAR Liviu
17 RO-11-0566859 BOBAR Liviu
18 RO-11-0561644 BOTA Alexandru
19 RO-11-0561634 BOTA Alexandru
20 RO-11-0561636 BOTA Alexandru
21 RO-11-0167612 BUCSA Ioan
22 RO-11-0167605 BUCSA Ioan
23 RO-11-0167616 BUCSA Ioan
24 RO-11-0167697 BUCSA Ioan
25 RO-11-0167693 BUCSA Ioan
26 RO-11-0167614 BUCSA Ioan
27 RO-11-0167606 BUCSA Ioan
28 RO-11-0167673 BUCSA Ioan
29 RO-11-0167628 BUCSA Ioan
30 RO-11-0561657 BUDA + Vogel
31 RO-11-0561639 BUDA + Vogel
32 RO-11-0001893 CHEBELEU Dan
33 RO-11-0001906 CHEBELEU Dan
34 RO-11-0001815 CHEBELEU Dan
35 RO-11-0001821 CHEBELEU Dan
36 RO-11-0001825 CHEBELEU Dan
37 RO-11-0001929 CHEBELEU Dan
38 RO-11-0001838 CHEBELEU Dan
39 RO-11-0001827 CHEBELEU Dan
40 RO-11-0001917 CHEBELEU Dan
41 RO-11-0001814 CHEBELEU Dan
42 RO-11-0001876 CHEBELEU Dan
43 RO-11-0001833 CHEBELEU Dan
44 RO-11-0001905 CHEBELEU Dan
45 RO-11-2325610 CORLAN Jon
46 RO-11-2325620 CORLAN Jon
47 RO-11-2144902 CRISTUINEA Florin
48 RO-11-2144904 CRISTUINEA Florin
49 RO-11-0563088 DRAGAN + Kun
50 RO-11-0381354 FLOREA Cosmin
51 RO-11-0381353 FLOREA Cosmin
52 MD-11-3060 GORBATOVSKI Dumitru
53 MD-11-3045 GORBATOVSKI Dumitru
54 MD-11-3310 GORBATOVSKI Dumitru
55 MD-11-3057 GORBATOVSKI Dumitru
56 MD-11-3061 GORBATOVSKI Dumitru
57 RO-11-0570849 GUIU Pavalas
58 RO-11-0570846 GUIU Pavalas
59 DV-11-07132-44 HANS + Georg
60 DV-11-07132-380 HANS + Georg
61 DV-11-02454-221 HOFF + Sarac
62 RO-11-0569210 HOFF + Sarac
63 DV-11-02454-218 HOFF + Sarac
64 RO-11-0008246 HOFF + Sarac
65 HU-11-26-32061 JOZSEF MIHALIK + Andras
66 HU-11-26-32062 JOZSEF MIHALIK + Andras
67 HU-11-16-24315 JUHASZ Erno
68 HU-11-16-22425 JUHASZ Erno
69 HU-11-16-24320 JUHASZ Erno
70 HU-11-16-24318 JUHASZ Erno
71 HU-11-16-24395 JUHASZ Erno
72 HU-11-16-22421 JUHASZ Erno
73 RO-11-0124595 LALA Gheorghe
74 RO-11-0122009 LALA Gheorghe
75 RO-11-0008238 LILIANA + Marcus
76 RO-11-0008234 LILIANA + Marcus
77 RO-11-0008232 LILIANA + Marcus
78 RO-11-0569212 LILIANA + Marcus
79 RO-11-0008236 LILIANA + Marcus
80 RO-11-0008235 LILIANA + Theresia
81 RO-11-0008261 LILIANA + Theresia
82 RO-11-0569208 LILIANA + Theresia
83 RO-11-0106570 LUPSA Ghita
84 RO-11-0106576 LUPSA Ghita
85 RO-11-0561689 LUPULESCU Adrian
86 RO-11-0015070 MARTA Daniel
87 RO-11-0569506 MARUSCA Traian
88 RO-11-0569510 MARUSCA Traian
89 RO-11-0569516 MARUSCA Traian
90 HU-11-26-32134 MIHALIK Csaba
91 RO-11-0557507 MORODAN Florin
92 RO-11-0171007 MUNTEAN Vasile
93 RO-11-0171029 MUNTEAN Vasile
94 RO-11-0171005 MUNTEAN Vasile
95 RO-11-0171016 MUNTEAN Vasile
96 RO-11-0567747 NASTASE Codrut
97 AU-11-602-997 NEAG Benjamin
98 RO-11-0567444 OROS Bogdan
99 RO-11-0567458 OROS Bogdan
100 RO-11-0567445 OROS Bogdan
101 RO-11-0567440 OROS Bogdan
102 RO-11-0567457 OROS Bogdan
103 RO-11-0561651 PALL + Vogel
104 RO-11-0561648 PALL + Vogel
105 RO-11-0569202 PALL Marton
106 RO-11-0101364 PASLA Daniel
107 RO-11-0101372 PASLA Daniel
108 RO-11-0101366 PASLA Daniel
109 RO-11-0101342 PASLA Daniel
110 RO-11-0101349 PASLA Daniel
111 RO-11-0101376 PASLA Daniel
112 RO-11-0101373 PASLA Daniel
113 RO-11-0557592 POPESCU Tiberiu
114 HU-11-10-67881 RADACZ Josef
115 HU-11-10-67876 RADACZ Josef
116 HU-11-10-67871 RADACZ Josef
117 HU-11-10-67869 RADACZ Josef
118 HU-11-10-67875 RADACZ Josef
119 HU-11-10-67899 RADACZ Josef
120 HU-11-10-67888 RADACZ Josef
121 HU-11-10-67895 RADACZ Josef
122 HU-11-10-67861 RADACZ Josef
123 AU-11-103-316 REGEP + Jonovic
124 AU-11-103-336 REGEP + Jonovic
125 AU-11-103-327 REGEP + Jonovic
126 DV-11-02842-7 ROLAND Kraus
127 DV-11-02842-4 ROLAND Kraus
128 RO-11-0174452 ROMAN Claudiu
129 RO-11-0174439 ROMAN Claudiu
130 RO-11-0174427 ROMAN Claudiu
131 RO-11-0174434 ROMAN Claudiu
132 RO-11-0174472 ROMAN Claudiu
133 RO-11-0174445 ROMAN Claudiu
134 RO-11-0174457 ROMAN Claudiu
135 DV-11-02454-578 RUSSIN + PANNY + Solomon + Cojocaru
136 DV-11-05026-605 RUSSIN + PANNY + Solomon + Cojocaru
137 RO-11-0564602 RUSSIN + PANNY + Solomon + Cojocaru
138 RO-11-0564603 RUSSIN + PANNY + Solomon + Cojocaru
139 DV-11-05026-601 RUSSIN + PANNY + Solomon + Cojocaru
140 RO-11-0564610 RUSSIN + PANNY + Solomon + Cojocaru
141 RO-11-0564611 RUSSIN + PANNY + Solomon + Cojocaru
142 RO-11-0564612 RUSSIN + PANNY + Solomon + Cojocaru
143 RO-11-0564609 RUSSIN + PANNY + Solomon + Cojocaru
144 RO-11-0564613 RUSSIN + PANNY + Solomon + Cojocaru
145 DV-11-05026-603 RUSSIN + PANNY + Solomon + Cojocaru
146 DV-11-02454-587 RUSSIN + PANNY + Solomon + Cojocaru
147 RO-11-0505091 SPIRIDON Silviu
148 RO-11-0505204 SPIRIDON Silviu
149 RO-11-0505203 SPIRIDON Silviu
150 RO-11-0505098 SPIRIDON Silviu
151 RO-11-0505096 SPIRIDON Silviu
152 RO-11-0505092 SPIRIDON Silviu
153 RO-11-2333263 STAN Marian
154 RO-11-0063804 STANCIU Gheorghe
155 RO-11-0102007 SZILAGYI Ioan
156 RO-11-0102002 SZILAGYI Ioan
157 RO-11-0102009 SZILAGYI Ioan
158 DV-11-02842-195 TANDEM Fulger + Basch
159 DV-11-02842-224 TANDEM Fulger + Basch
160 DV-11-02842-222 TANDEM Fulger + Basch
161 RO-11-0095407 TANDEM Fulger + Basch
162 RO-11-0561099 TAU Nicolae
163 RO-11-0212004 TICLEA Doru
164 RO-11-0212017 TICLEA Doru
165 AU-11-602-1014 ZERNER Walter
166 AU-11-602-993 ZERNER Walter
167 AU-11-602-1005 ZERNER Walter
168 AU-11-602-1010 ZERNER Walter
169 AU-11-602-1017 ZERNER Walter
Place Ring Fancier Time Score Speed Country
1 HU-11-26-32061 JOZSEF MIHALIK + Andras 0000-00-00 14:28:28,01 0,015 -
2 DV-11-02842-222 TANDEM Fulger + Basch 0000-00-00 14:38:12,04 0,030 -
3 RO-11-0008236 LILIANA + Marcus 0000-00-00 14:50:57,44 0,045 -
4 RO-11-0101364 PASLA Daniel 0000-00-00 14:53:22,75 0,060 -
5 RO-11-0167673 BUCSA Ioan 0000-00-00 14:53:27,07 0,075 -
6 RO-11-0566864 BOBAR Liviu 0000-00-00 14:58:12,88 0,090 -
7 RO-11-0567457 OROS Bogdan 0000-00-00 15:02:35,48 0,105 -
8 DV-11-02454-221 HOFF + Sarac 0000-00-00 15:04:17,57 0,120 -
9 AU-11-602-993 ZERNER Walter 0000-00-00 15:04:28,08 0,134 -
10 DV-11-05026-601 RUSSIN + PANNY + Solomon + Coj 0000-00-00 15:04:29,76 0,149 -
11 HU-11-10-67881 RADACZ Josef 0000-00-00 15:05:15,72 0,164 -
12 RO-11-0171005 MUNTEAN Vasile 0000-00-00 15:39:39,27 0,179 -
13 RO-11-0008235 LILIANA + Theresia 0000-00-00 15:41:42,89 0,194 -
14 RO-11-0505091 SPIRIDON Silviu 0000-00-00 15:49:57,25 0,209 -
15 RO-11-0174427 ROMAN Claudiu 0000-00-00 15:59:42,65 0,224 -
16 MD-11-3060 GORBATOVSKI Dumitru 0000-00-00 16:11:26,45 0,239 -
17 RO-11-0569208 LILIANA + Theresia 0000-00-00 16:11:27,51 0,254 -
18 RO-11-0101372 PASLA Daniel 0000-00-00 16:16:40,68 0,269 -
19 RO-11-0063804 STANCIU Gheorghe 0000-00-00 16:18:26,62 0,284 -
20 RO-11-2144902 CRISTUINEA Florin 0000-00-00 16:37:39,29 0,299 -
21 RO-11-0008261 LILIANA + Theresia 0000-00-00 16:44:25,81 0,314 -
22 RO-11-0001827 CHEBELEU Dan 0000-00-00 16:52:02,01 0,329 -
23 RO-11-0561689 LUPULESCU Adrian 0000-00-00 16:53:42,69 0,344 -
24 RO-11-0567445 OROS Bogdan 0000-00-00 17:03:01,11 0,359 -
25 HU-11-16-22421 JUHASZ Erno 0000-00-00 17:03:04,63 0,374 -
26 RO-11-0212004 TICLEA Doru 0000-00-00 17:06:09,74 0,389 -
27 DV-11-02454-218 HOFF + Sarac 0000-00-00 17:07:35,87 0,403 -
28 RO-11-0567444 OROS Bogdan 0000-00-00 17:12:48,75 0,418 -
29 RO-11-0008238 LILIANA + Marcus 0000-00-00 17:12:57,45 0,433 -
30 RO-11-0122009 LALA Gheorghe 0000-00-00 17:16:41,66 0,448 -
31 RO-11-0566873 BOBAR Liviu 0000-00-00 17:24:36,16 0,463 -
32 RO-11-0174434 ROMAN Claudiu 0000-00-00 17:29:25,60 0,478 -
33 AU-11-103-316 REGEP + Jonovic 0000-00-00 17:32:39,57 0,493 -
34 RO-11-0505204 SPIRIDON Silviu 0000-00-00 17:51:00,74 0,508 -
35 RO-11-0564609 RUSSIN + PANNY + Solomon + Coj 0000-00-00 18:10:25,68 0,523 -
36 RO-11-0561636 BOTA Alexandru 0000-00-00 18:17:31,87 0,538 -
37 RO-11-0102002 SZILAGYI Ioan 0000-00-00 18:30:43,56 0,553 -
38 RO-11-0569202 PALL Marton 0000-00-00 18:31:48,20 0,568 -
39 RO-11-0008232 LILIANA + Marcus 0000-00-00 18:38:28,57 0,583 -
40 HU-11-10-67871 RADACZ Josef 0000-00-00 18:47:52,06 0,598 -
41 RO-11-0561648 PALL + Vogel 0000-00-00 18:57:16,03 0,613 -
42 RO-11-0171016 MUNTEAN Vasile 0000-00-00 19:12:05,77 0,628 -
43 RO-11-0171029 MUNTEAN Vasile 0000-00-00 19:26:38,61 0,643 -
44 RO-11-0167697 BUCSA Ioan 0000-00-00 19:44:41,12 0,657 -
45 RO-11-0566859 BOBAR Liviu 0000-00-00 20:18:35,48 0,672 -
46 RO-11-0001929 CHEBELEU Dan 0000-00-00 06:59:04,39 0,687 -
47 RO-11-0001815 CHEBELEU Dan 0000-00-00 07:09:31,01 0,702 -
48 AU-11-103-327 REGEP + Jonovic 0000-00-00 07:48:08,26 0,717 -
49 RO-11-0566851 BOBAR Liviu 0000-00-00 07:54:54,36 0,732 -
50 RO-11-0008234 LILIANA + Marcus 0000-00-00 07:55:09,52 0,747 -
51 AU-11-602-1005 ZERNER Walter 0000-00-00 07:58:50,69 0,762 -
52 DV-11-02842-195 TANDEM Fulger + Basch 0000-00-00 08:01:58,81 0,777 -
53 HU-11-10-67869 RADACZ Josef 0000-00-00 08:08:33,37 0,792 -
54 RO-11-0167616 BUCSA Ioan 0000-00-00 08:10:04,08 0,807 -
55 HU-11-D327311 ABRAHAM Lajos 0000-00-00 08:10:54,63 0,822 -
56 RO-11-0566853 BOBAR Liviu 0000-00-00 08:11:55,71 0,837 -
57 RO-11-0001825 CHEBELEU Dan 0000-00-00 08:17:09,29 0,852 -
58 MD-11-3310 GORBATOVSKI Dumitru 0000-00-00 08:19:26,40 0,867 -
59 RO-11-0101342 PASLA Daniel 0000-00-00 08:20:22,93 0,882 -
60 RO-11-0555997 BOBAR Liviu 0000-00-00 08:22:15,70 0,897 -
61 RO-11-0566872 BOBAR Liviu 0000-00-00 08:25:36,43 0,911 -
62 RO-11-0001893 CHEBELEU Dan 0000-00-00 08:30:11,11 0,926 -
63 RO-11-0505098 SPIRIDON Silviu 0000-00-00 08:33:16,25 0,941 -
64 RO-11-0564612 RUSSIN + PANNY + Solomon + Coj 0000-00-00 08:33:40,61 0,956 -
65 RO-11-0569510 MARUSCA Traian 0000-00-00 08:37:16,05 0,971 -
66 RO-11-0174472 ROMAN Claudiu 0000-00-00 08:53:33,45 0,986 -
67 DV-11-05026-605 RUSSIN + PANNY + Solomon + Coj 0000-00-00 08:57:20,50 1,001 -
68 HU-11-D327334 ABRAHAM Lajos 0000-00-00 08:59:11,08 1,016 -
69 RO-11-0564613 RUSSIN + PANNY + Solomon + Coj 0000-00-00 09:04:08,17 1,031 -
70 RO-11-0212017 TICLEA Doru 0000-00-00 09:06:07,63 1,046 -
71 RO-11-0569210 HOFF + Sarac 0000-00-00 09:07:15,60 1,061 -
72 RO-11-0561644 BOTA Alexandru 0000-00-00 09:18:13,47 1,076 -
73 RO-11-2362106 ARGHIR Elvis 0000-00-00 09:20:37,89 1,091 -
74 RO-11-0561634 BOTA Alexandru 0000-00-00 09:33:15,89 1,106 -
75 HU-11-D327333 ABRAHAM Lajos 0000-00-00 09:38:19,27 1,121 -
76 RO-11-0101373 PASLA Daniel 0000-00-00 09:40:00,46 1,136 -
77 RO-11-2325620 CORLAN Jon 0000-00-00 09:41:12,23 1,151 -
78 RO-11-0124595 LALA Gheorghe 0000-00-00 09:56:16,48 1,166 -
79 RO-11-0557507 MORODAN Florin 0000-00-00 09:57:03,60 1,180 -
80 HU-11-D327338 ABRAHAM Lajos 0000-00-00 10:01:41,41 1,195 -
81 RO-11-0569506 MARUSCA Traian 0000-00-00 10:05:07,23 1,210 -
82 HU-11-10-67875 RADACZ Josef 0000-00-00 10:08:33,81 1,225 -
83 RO-11-0564603 RUSSIN + PANNY + Solomon + Coj 0000-00-00 10:16:07,10 1,240 -
84 HU-11-D327337 ABRAHAM Lajos 0000-00-00 10:25:57,92 1,255 -
85 HU-11-16-24320 JUHASZ Erno 0000-00-00 10:31:03,18 1,270 -
86 RO-11-0566856 BOBAR Liviu 0000-00-00 10:39:51,51 1,285 -
87 HU-11-10-67888 RADACZ Josef 0000-00-00 10:46:19,15 1,300 -
88 RO-11-0564611 RUSSIN + PANNY + Solomon + Coj 0000-00-00 11:07:55,67 1,315 -
89 HU-11-26-32134 MIHALIK Csaba 0000-00-00 11:21:26,33 1,330 -
90 HU-11-10-67876 RADACZ Josef 0000-00-00 11:40:02,40 1,345 -
91 RO-11-0001814 CHEBELEU Dan 0000-00-00 11:58:28,09 1,360 -
92 RO-11-0167605 BUCSA Ioan 0000-00-00 12:00:05,61 1,375 -
93 RO-11-0167606 BUCSA Ioan 0000-00-00 12:06:17,73 1,390 -
94 HU-11-16-24395 JUHASZ Erno 0000-00-00 13:07:19,64 1,405 -
95 RO-11-0174457 ROMAN Claudiu 0000-00-00 14:35:42,06 1,420 -
96 RO-11-2325610 CORLAN Jon 0000-00-00 15:23:34,53 1,434 -
97 RO-11-0171007 MUNTEAN Vasile 0000-00-00 15:24:54,76 1,449 -

Useful information

Anyone who wants to take part at the gala on Saturday evening (12.09.2015) has to make a reservation ASAP!!! You can make a reservation by calling at the following number - 0040-740671941 or by sending a private message on Facebook or e-mail. On Wednesday evening, we will close the list, so HURRY UP!!!

We have finished basketing the pigeons for the 3rd main race - ERD (Hungary). Hopefully, the weather will be favorable in the morning. Because this year the weather was unfortunate, we weren't able to organize a number of 4 races as initially planned. This is why this 3rd race represents the semi final. Next Saturday, 12.09.2015, we will organize the last race - the final.
We wish all of you best of luck tomorrow!

If the weather will allow us, we will basket the pigeons this evening in order to release them tomorrow morning (04.09.2015) for the 3rd race. We keep in touch!


Comments and Ideas

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good day, we found a mail pigeon in Slovakia. the number is: Yellow ring: RO-2017-9009834 RO GOLD black ring: BRICON 5000 has been here for 6 days can you contact the owner?
buna ziua , am gasit un porumbel cu seria Ro2016 928605 fci ranit la o aripa in judetul Botosani.daca sunte ti interesat de el ma puteti contacta la 0740452232
Am gasit un porumbel voiajor de concurs cu seria RO 2015 884518 FCI BRICON 5000 in jud. Ialomita , localitatea Axintele.Tel 0751127235.
Buna ziua ! Astazi data de 12-07-2016 am prins porumbeii cu seriile (=0688256-2010=) (=2014-FCI-0547868=)si (=2015-RO-FCI-331363=) !!! Oras-Bumbesti-Jiu- Sat-Tetila relatii pe Email--- !

Sponsors and Partners

Aslanidis Logo S.C. Wood Works S.R.L.
